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The Leg Length Inequality
The Leg Length Inequality (LLI) is validated by a radiography. It corresponds to the difference of height between the two legs, measured at the top of the femoral heads.
Radiography of the pelvis front, patient standing
The first consequence of the LLI is the inclination of the pelvis at the front.
This swing of the pelvis forces the spine in a scoliosis position or a real lumbar scoliosis, creating an imbalance of the muscle, ligament and joint tensions. This is how musculoskeletal disorders can settle in, together with the pains that accompany them.
It is important from this point on to wear the heel compensation in incompressible materials with a height adapted to correct the LLI and reestablish the functional harmony.
The studies published on the Leg Length Inequality (LLI) reveals that 8 persons out of 10 have one leg shorter than the other. (A panel of population free of fractures, surgery or diseases influencing the growth of the lower limbs)
Percentage of population with unequal leg length
The synthesis of this work highlights several points :
- First of all, there is a large disparity in the measured differences (from 3 mm to 22 mm of difference in length between the two legs)
- 38% have a deficit equal or superior to 10 mm.
- Only 14% correct their swing of the pelvis by wearing a heel compensation.
- Last of all, despite the fact that the LLI is as present in women as it is in men, the women are 5 times fewer than men to correct their swing of the pelvis by wearing a heel compensation ( the main reason to this being the aesthetic concern).
Please note, in margin of these studies, after a hip surgery, after the placement of a prosthetic of femoral head, after sever fracture of the lower limbs or a sever osteoarthritis of the knee or of the hip, it is interesting to control the right balance of the pelvis by all ad hoc means recommended by your doctor. This will allow to check the relevance of a correction and therefore to prevent possible pain episodes.

Compensation insoles for sport shoes

Heels compensation for sport shoes