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Heels compensation for sport shoes

For unequal leg length
For unequal leg length
  • For unequal leg length
  • For unequal leg length
  • For unequal leg length

Heels compensation for leg length inequality

Packaging: the bag contains 2 pieces

Adapted to sport shoes

Calculate your compensation

mm Deficit of the pelvic tilt

       Patient age

Seniority deficit

Height compensation


Height of the first month compensation

Height of the second month compensation


Starting at
No tax

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Our self-sealing heels for sport shoes are specially designed to correct or compensate for a leg shorter than the other or used to increase someone’s height. They are made from one-piece of dense and light material which are comfortable.
Those heels are easy to clean and maintain by using a wet sponge or washing powder.
In order to ensure a permanent and rigorous compensation height, we use dimensionally stable materials to make our heels.
The heel is glued inside the shoe at the heel level, on the shortest leg side. (It has no designated side therefore it could be used on the right foot as well as on the left foot)
It is important to use compensation insoles at all times while in standing upright position. For that purpose, you should put those heels into all your sport shoes and sneakers.

Our heels compensation are available in the following height: 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 16mm, 17mm, 18mm, 19mm, 20mm, 21mm, 22mm, 23mm, 24mm, 25mm, 26mm, 27mm, 28mm, 29mm, 30mm, 31mm, 32mm, 33mm, 34mm and 35mm.

What height to choose for the insole?
For the first time, we recommend you to use the above calculator, to determine the heels’ height you need. Its simple and straightforward use will able you to obtain an immediate and appropriate result.
Example 1:
A 57 years old woman has been informed following a recent hip surgery that she has a swing of her pelvis. This swing is 19 millimeters high and affects her left leg (this means her left leg is 19 millimeters shorter than her right one). In this case, the correct height of the compensation insole must be 12 millimeters, which represents 63% of the deficit.
Example 2:
A 46 years old man is diagnosed with a low back pain. An X-ray shows a Leg length Inequality (LLI) of 31 millimeters. The height of the compensation sole must be 18 millimeters, which represents 58% of the deficit. However, during the two first months, the compensation should be progressive in order to get an optimal result. For the first month we advise him to use a 9 millimeters compensation insole then a 13 millimeters one for the second month. Finally, starting from the third month, he can definitively use an 18 millimeters high compensation insole. This step by step process has a positive impact on patient’s quality of life. In addition to be better tolerated, it reduces potential biomechanical troubles linked to the rebalanced pelvis process.

If you do not succeed in finding the correct height for the insole, please, feel free to contact us by using the form "Contact us". We will work together to find the best solution.

Heels compensationAlso available in Heels compensation for city and dress shoes version
Compensation insoleIn Compensation insole for city and dress shoes version
Compensation insoleIn Compensation insole for sport shoes version

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